Sensational film maker Ram Gopal Varma did not leave any moment without spitting venom on Power Star Pawan Kalyan and his movie Sardaar Gabbar Singh. Now the movie has finally hit the theater and receiving mixed responses at the box office but the performance of Pawan, his dancing style, comic timings are receiving applauses. Earlier Ram Gopal Varma wanted to join hands with Pawan Kalyan, he also tried to work with Maegastar Chiranjeevi but the project did not take off. From long time, RGV is planning his upcoming directorial venture ‘Sarkar 3’ and according to the sources, he wanted to rope Pawan Kalyan but now after releasing Sardaar Gabbar Singh, RGV is not able to decide. Earlier he wanted to make bilingual movie in Telugu as well as in Hindi by launching Pawan Kalyan at National level . If it will happen then the dream of Pawan Kalyan’s fan can become true.

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